Our LifeScore quiz has launched.
Staying well is a priority for all of us 60+. Our research showed 7 in 10 of us think about how our actions today will impact on our future health and half of us would like to be more mentally or physically active to improve our health. Invariably, we know what we should do more of and what we should do less of, it’s not the knowledge that’s missing, but the motivation plus a satnav to show direction and progress.
autum LifeScore adds a valuable step to autum’s inspiring ideas and tracking. Our tool provides an indicator of future wellness and wellness areas that may need attention. It’s not a scientific determinant but uses lifestyle factors correlated with good health, highlighting strong positives and negatives. Of course, it doesn’t replace a medical professional.

Start your LifeScore journey today.
The good thing about lifestyle is that with the right motivation and a roadmap it can be changed, it’s never too late.
autum LifeScore incorporates well-known general health factors such as smoking and weight. It also looks at physical health, which is not just about steps, but frequency of exercise, resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol level and mental health such as learning new skills and mindfulness. It also includes other factors recognised in healthy ageing research such as social bonds, including friendships and laughter and positive attitude, such as purpose in life and the ability to share concerns.
Whilst there are many factors correlated to ageing well, our quiz distils these to 20 questions. The results are given as a percentage, with anything over 50% meaning your predicted wellness is better than typical for your age and anything less than 50% meaning that it is worse than typical for your age.
We’ve separated the quiz into General Health, Physical & Mental Health and Social & Attitudinal Health, to help you consider specific areas for further improvement. For example, for me its meditation.
We all need a personal satnav and autum LifeScore provides an indicator of where you are today and a direction on where to improve. Habits are changed with small steps and experience shows that it’s best to make one change at a time.

In 3 months try autum LifeScore again to measure how any changes you have made impact on your wellbeing score. autum LifeScore is one part of how autum is looking to shape the future of active ageing. User feedback is critical to this, so please share your experiences and become one of our ambassadors.
Good luck! Together we will shape the future of active ageing.
Download the app here too!
To help us make Britain one million biological years younger take our autum Lifescore calculator to determine your biological age and use our autum app on Android or IOS to help improve your biological age today!

We’re on a mission to transform how the UK’s later life population retains its health and wellbeing for longer. It all starts with biological age and our tools aim to measure, track and reduce this.
Together we will make Britain one million biological years younger.